Home Kalendář akcí Skills2Scale Webinar: AI Applicability in 6G Systems for Trustworthiness Provision


Join Our Training & Mentorship Webinars

As part of the Skills2Scale Project, we have introduced a dynamic Training Program designed to enhance the capacity of HEIs in fostering institutional engagement and change in the field of Beyond 5G technology. The training program covers topics such as 5G technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, partnership building, and knowledge sharing. The content developed for the Training Program will be thoroughly explored through a series of five training webinars, each one followed by a mentorship and support session.

Who Should Attend?

The webinar target Higher Education Institute academics, students, as well as administrators, faculty, and staff. Prior knowledge of 5G technology isn’t required.

“AI Applicability in 6G Systems for Trustworthiness Provision”

Discover how AI is shaping the future of 6G Systems, ensuring reliability and trustworthiness. Join our webinar to explore the rapid advancements in technology and innovative machine learning techniques. Gain valuable insights into the intersection of artificial intelligence and future communication networks.

Register Now and Join Us!

What’s in Store for You?

Official Announcement Here

Past Webinars:

Ready to embark on this exciting journey into Beyond 5G technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship? More webinars will follow, stay tuned!

The Skills2Scale Project is funded by the EIT HEI Initiative Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education. The Skills2Scale consortium, consisting of seven partners from five countries, is committed to igniting innovation and fostering new talents in the deep tech field and through its transformative programs.

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