Home Aktuality News in Skills2Scale Project


On the 23rd and 24th of April 2024, the Technical University of Liberec hosted our partners from the Skills2Scale project (we wrote about the project here). We were thrilled to share our experience in innovations and education for entrepreneurship with our esteemed guests from Spanish Universitat Politècnica de València, Ukrainian Uzhorod National University, Finnish University of Lapland, Greek NCSR Demokritos, Fogus Innovations and Services, and Envolve.


The objective of the event was:


We had the fantastic opportunity to learn more about the upcoming activities of the European Innovation Community under EIT Urban Mobility and EIT Health in the region. We shared our experience and inspired our partners with the best practices in 5G use cases (automated guided vehicles, augmented reality enabling human-robot collaboration), and the latest innovations in additive 3D printing technology. The TUL's best practices in educating for entrepreneurship and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit are undoubtedly the Formula Student TUL Racing project, the Student Business Club or the creative workshop TULab. On the second day, we used the incredible opportunity to visit the creative community center Kontakt in Liebieg's Palace and the regional business incubator LipoInk. There, we met with startups and young companies from the region, including Flapper Drones, Hardwario, and NullSpaces.


And what comes next? We are passionate about supporting students' entrepreneurship and have many exciting opportunities for them to get involved. We are holding our 10th annual competition for the best TUL startup and i-Days at the TUL for our inventive and entrepreneurial students in cooperation with EIT Health. The best team will represent the Czech Republic at the European finals in Budapest!


Photogalery from the 1st Day

Photogalery from the 2nd Day

Thank to all participants!
Alejandro Fornes Harilaos Koumaras René Gubarčok
Tiina Mäki-Petäjä Kaisa Lammi Jiří Kula
Antoine Berwart Laura Ulatowski Philipp Roden
Christina Skoubridou Michail Mandamadiotis Julie Mokrá
Spyridon Georgoulas Jindřich Cýrus Kateřina Tandlerová
Kateryna Skubenych Tomáš Martinec Miroslav Černík
Hanna Kostovyat Jiří Šafka Jaroslav Demel
Viacheslav Rogov Ladislav Horálek Jana Šimanová
Eliška Bajgarová Ondřej Moš Pavel Pelech
Tina Iglicar Kubalik Eduard Seibert Ondřej Michal
Michal Štefan Jana Vitvarová Jitka Burešová
Nadiya Boyko Jan Koprnický Aleš Kocourek
Carlos E. Palau Matěj Karásek Lenka Bořková


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