
Name Position Phone E-mail:
Andar Jakub Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2242 jakub.andar@tul.cz
Antlová Klára Associate Professor +420 48535 2390 klara.antlova@tul.cz
Bártů Stanislava External Lector +420 48535 2318 stanislava.bartu@tul.cz
Batumalai Theventharan Internal Doctoral Student theventharan.batumalai@tul.cz
Bednářová Pavla Head of Department, Associate Professor +420 48535 2291 pavla.bednarova@tul.cz
Beran Vojtěch Internal Doctoral Student vojtech.beran1@tul.cz
Bořková Lenka Project Manager +420 48535 2425 lenka.borkova@tul.cz
Boyon Jérôme Lector +420 48535 2330 jerome.boyon@tul.cz
Brabec Zdeněk Assistant Professor +420 48535 2473 zdenek.brabec@tul.cz
Brandová Blanka Assistant Professor +420 48535 2355 blanka.brandova@tul.cz
Burešová Jitka Assistant Professor +420 48535 2324 jitka.buresova@tul.cz
Csibová Kateřina External Lector +420 48535 2501 katerina.csibova@tul.cz
Černíková Martina Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2408 martina.cernikova@tul.cz
Červová Lenka Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2364 lenka.cervova@tul.cz
Čisárová Denisa secretary +420 485 35 2388 denisa.cisarova@tul.cz
Dědková Jaroslava Head of Department, Associate Professor +420 48535 2314 jaroslava.dedkova@tul.cz
Demel Jaroslav Vice-Dean for External Affairs, Deputy Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2203 jaroslav.demel@tul.cz
Dostál Michal Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2234 michal.dostal@tul.cz
Drápalík Josef Secretary of the Faculty +420 48535 2386 josef.drapalik@tul.cz
Drozdová Edita Lector +420 48535 2327 edita.drozdova@tul.cz
Dvořáček Filip Internal Doctoral Student filip.dvoracek@tul.cz
Dyntar Jakub Associate Professor +420 48535 2242 jakub.dyntar@tul.cz
Händelová Monika External Lector +420 48535 2235 monika.handelova@tul.cz
Hastrdlová Šárka Assistant Professor +420 48535 2421 sarka.hastrdlova@tul.cz
Holendová Julie Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2359 julie.holendova@tul.cz
Honzáková Iveta Study Department Officer +420 48535 2391 iveta.honzakova@tul.cz
Honzejková Bára External Doctoral Student +420 48535 2280 bara.smolova@tul.cz
Horčičková Zuzana Assistant Professor +420 48535 2217 zuzana.horcickova@tul.cz
Hovorková Valentová Vladimíra Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2395 vladimira.valentova@tul.cz
Hughes Gladice Lector +420 48535 2356 gladice.hughes@tul.cz
Hušková Kateřina Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2317 katerina.huskova@tul.cz
Hyblerová Šárka Assistant Professor +420 48535 2481 sarka.hyblerova@tul.cz
Jáč Ivan Professor +420 48535 2361 ivan.jac@tul.cz
Jáčová Helena Deputy Head of the Department, Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2380 helena.jacova@tul.cz
Jandová Halka Lector +420 48535 2352 halka.jandova@tul.cz
Jech Koldinská Kamila Lector +420 48535 2315 kamila.jech.koldinska@tul.cz
Karhanová Horynová Eva Assistant +420 48535 2443 eva.karhanova.horynova@tul.cz
Kašparová Petra External Lector +420 48535 2354 petra.kasparova1@tul.cz
Klopánová Pavla Lector +420 48535 2358 pavla.klopanova@tul.cz
Kocourek Aleš Dean, Associate Professor +420 48535 2514 ales.kocourek@tul.cz
Kraft Jiří Professor +420 48535 2377 jiri.kraft@tul.cz
Kubát David Assistant Professor, IT Specialist +420 48535 2223 david.kubat@tul.cz
Lamr Marián +420 48535 3864 marian.lamr@tul.cz
Linhart Ondřej Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2354 ondrej.linhart@tul.cz
Madzík Peter Science and Research Officer +420 48535 2242 peter.madzik@tul.cz
Macháčková Vendula External Lector vendula.machackova@tul.cz
Malíková Olga Assistant Professor, Chairwoman of Academic Senate +420 48535 2366 olga.malikova@tul.cz
Marková Tereza Secretary of dean, Assistant to the Vice-Dean for Science and Research +420 48535 2388 tereza.markova@tul.cz
Maršíková Kateřina Vice-Rector, Associate Professor +420 48535 2344 katerina.marsikova@tul.cz
Matoušková Michaela Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2369 michaela.matouskova@tul.cz
Mazurchenko Anastasiia Assistant Professor +420 48535 2311 anastasiia.mazurchenko@tul.cz
Michal Ondřej Internal Doctoral Student, PR Specialist, webmaster +420 48535 2319 ondrej.michal@tul.cz
Michalová Tereza Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2431 tereza.michalova@tul.cz
Motlová Jitka External Lector +420 48535 2235 jitka.motlova@vgd.eu
Mráčková Lenka Head of the Study Department +420 48535 2387 lenka.mrackova@tul.cz
Myslivcová Světlana Assistant Professor +420 48535 2359 svetlana.myslivcova@tul.cz
Nedomlelová Iva Deputy Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2495 iva.nedomlelova@tul.cz
Nejedlová Dana Assistant Professor +420 48535 2323 dana.nejedlova@tul.cz
Neumannová Helena Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2321 helena.neumannova@tul.cz
Öhm Jan Assistant Professor +420 48535 2372 jan.ohm@tul.cz
Ostin Vasilii External Doctoral Student +420 48535 2431 vasilii.ostin@tul.cz
Pávová Lenka External Lector +420 48535 2226 lenka.pavova@tul.cz
Pelech Pavel Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2373 pavel.pelech@tul.cz
Pelloneová Natalie Assistant Professor +420 48535 2311 natalie.pelloneova@tul.cz
Pěničková Zuzana Associate Professor +420 48535 2247 zuzana.penickova@tul.cz
Petrová Pavlína Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2235 pavlina.petrova@tul.cz
Petříček Martin docent +420 48535 2400 martin.petricek@tul.cz
Plch Viktor IT Specialist +420 48535 2375 viktor.plch@tul.cz
Podaras Athanasios Assistant Professor +420 48535 2289 athanasios.podaras@tul.cz
Poláček Bohumil Associate Professor +420 48535 2360 bohumil.polacek@tul.cz
Pospíšilová Vendula Editor of Journal E+M +420 48535 2273 vendula.pospisilova@tul.cz
Postránecká Kateřina Internal Doctoral Student katerina.postranecka@tul.cz
Priddy Ann External Lector +420 48535 2501 ann.priddy@tul.cz
Průcha Petr External Doctoral Student +420 48535 2280 petr.prucha@tul.cz
Pur David External Lector +420 48535 2369 david.pur@tul.cz
Rabina Radoslav Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2242 radoslav.rabina@tul.cz
Rodrigues Márcio Vitor Tonhá External Doctoral Student +420 48535 2353 marcio.rodrigues@tul.cz
Rozkovec Jiří Deputy Head of Department, Assistant +420 48535 2372 jiri.rozkovec@tul.cz
Rydvalová Petra Deputy Head of Department, Associate Professor +420 48535 2241 petra.rydvalova@tul.cz
Semerádová Tereza Deputy Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2389 tereza.semeradova@tul.cz
Sieber Jakub External Doctoral Student +420 48535 2431 jakub.sieber@tul.cz
Skála Marek Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2316 marek.skala@tul.cz
Skrbková Denisa External Lector +420 48535 2354 denisa.skrbkova@tul.cz
Sojková Lenka Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2355 lenka.sojkova@tul.cz
Stolín Froese Petra International Relations Officer, Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator +420 48535 2418 petra.stolin.froese@tul.cz
Strýčková Lenka Assistant Professor +420 48535 2379 lenka.stryckova@tul.cz
Suková Lenka Assistant Professor +420 48535 2218 lenka.sukova@tul.cz
Svoboda David Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2406 david.svoboda4@tul.cz
Šimanová Jana Vice-Dean for Conception and Development, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2495 jana.simanova@tul.cz
Šimonová Helena Secretary +420 48535 2392 helena.simonova@tul.cz
Šírová Eva Assistant Professor +420 48535 2353 eva.sirova@tul.cz
Štichhauerová Eva Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2363 eva.stichhauerova@tul.cz
Švandová Zuzana Assistant Professor +420 48535 2362 zuzana.svandova@tul.cz
Švermová Pavla Assistant Professor +420 48535 2346 pavla.svermova@tul.cz
Tatek Benetti Karina Secretary of the Department of Economic Statistics, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2347 karina.benetti@tul.cz
Těhníková Kateřina Assistant to the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and the Vice-Dean for Development and Conception +420 48535 2371 katerina.tehnikova@tul.cz
Thorsten Herzig Ingo Lector +420 48535 2278 ingo.herzig@tul.cz
Tichý Kryštof Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2235 krystof.tichy@tul.cz
Tomíček Michal Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2242 michal.tomicek@tul.cz
Trávníčková Hana Internal Doctoral Student hana.travnickova@tul.cz
Trnková Veronika Secretary +420 48535 2351 veronika.trnkova@tul.cz
Ungerman Otakar Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Docent +420 48535 2417 otakar.ungerman@tul.cz
Valentová Eliška Assistant Professor +420 48535 2431 eliska.valentova@tul.cz
Valterová Jana Lector +420 42048535 2325 jana.valterova@tul.cz
Vavrek Roman External Lector roman.vavrek@tul.cz
Vávrová Jitka Assistant Professor +420 48535 2362 jitka.vavrova@tul.cz
Veselá Věra Secretary +420 48535 2399 vera.vesela1@tul.cz
Vlach Jana International Relations Officer, Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator +420 48535 2420 jana.vlach@tul.cz
Vlčková Irena Assistant Professor +420 48535 2231 irena.vlckova@tul.cz
Vrabcová Pavla Vice-Dean for Science and Research, Associate Professor +420 48535 2394 pavla.vrabcova@tul.cz
Vychodilová Eva Internal Doctoral Student +420 48535 2369 eva.vychodilova@tul.cz
Weinlich Petr Head of Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2413 petr.weinlich@tul.cz
Zbránková Magdalena Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2245 magdalena.zbrankova@tul.cz
Zelenka Martin External Doctoral Student martin.zelenka@tul.cz
Žižka Miroslav Professor +420 48535 2345 miroslav.zizka@tul.cz
Žižka Tomáš IT Specialist, Assistant Professor +420 48535 2393 tomas.zizka@tul.cz

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