
Department of Marketing and Trade

The Department of Marketing and Trade offers students theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of marketing strategy and research, corporate communication, psychology of consumer behaviour and business conduct, international marketing and international trade.

About the Department

About the Department

The Department continuously innovates and improves the teaching of marketing subjects at all faculties and in all forms of study, actively engages in scientific research activities, supports the study of doctoral students and the qualification growth of its members. It cooperates with business entities and institutions of the Euroregion Nisa, domestic and foreign universities.

The Department guarantees the study programme International Economic Relations. The Department of Marketing and Business is a long-term member of the Czech Marketing Society and an associate member of the Association of Czech Travel Agencies.



The Department of Marketing and Trade provides full-time and combined teaching at the Bachelor´s, Master´s and Doctoral programmes of the Faculty of Economics and participates in teaching at other faculties of the TU Liberec. It provides teaching in English language for ERASMUS Plus students and self-paid students studying in English. In these study programmes, the Department provides guidance of final student theses focused on practical solutions to selected problems and mediates professional practice of students. In this area, it cooperates closely with various companies and organisations and regularly organises lectures by experts from practice.

The Department of Marketing and Business guarantees the following study programmes:
Bachelor study programs: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS specialization International Trade


The Department of Marketing and Business offers the following study programmes:
Bachelor study programmes:  BUSINESS ECONOMICS specialisation Production Management
BUSINESS ECONOMICS specialization Management of services
Follow-up study programmes: BUSINESS ECONOMICS specialisation Management of Business Processes
BUSINESS ECONOMICS specialisation Marketing and International Trade


Achievements of students under the guidance of the Department of Marketing and Business

  •     Ing. Alexandra MIZEROVÁ - Dean's Award for the best diploma thesis (2016)
  •     1st place: Petr LUKAVEC - Marketing in sport. National competition Top student 2015, Faculty of Business and Economics in Brno (2015)
  •     1st place: Denisa BOHUSLOVÁ, Klára BLAŽKOVÁ, Kateřina ŠVEJDOVÁ - Entry strategy of Kitl GmbH on the German market. Euroregion NISA Award, Young Scientists category (2013)
  •     2nd place: Benny KOBOSIL - Founding the fictitious company "AdManum", Competition in student scientific and professional activities (2015)
  •     2nd place: Bc. Renata ČUHLOVÁ - The case of the Czech Republic and Germany (2014)
  •     3rd place: Bc. Kateřina HAJKOVÁ, Bc. Ivana TEPLÁ - Employment of university graduates. Competition in student scientific and professional activities (2014)
  •     3rd place: Jana REMEŠOVÁ - Marketing of services, National competition Top student 2013, Faculty of Business and Economics in Brno (2013)


The research activities of the Department are related to marketing, marketing communication, customer value and satisfaction, internet shopping, competitiveness of companies, microeconomic aspects of international trade and international economic relations in a regional framework. In these areas, the members of the Department are also able to provide consultancy services.

Members of the Department are involved in the implementation of the research focuses of the faculty. Currently, it is dealing with the issues of internationalization processes and firm performance within the business environment and investment decision-making, research on luxury fashion brands on the Czech market and service quality in retail. The Department is involved in grant projects and other research tasks commissioned by ministries, regional government institutions and business entities. Within the framework of scientific and research activities, it cooperates closely with the business sphere and organisations in the Liberec Region. Academic staff of the Department publish professionally in domestic and foreign professional journals, in scientific proceedings of international conferences and monographs.

Publication award of the Department of Marketing and Business by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, TUL
Best monograph:
1st place: Ing. Otakar Ungerman, Ph.D., The Use of Social Media by Small and Medium Enterprises in Communication with Consumers, published by TU in Liberec (2015)
1st place: Ing. Lenka Červová, Ph.D., Customer Value in Tourism Businesses, published by TU in Liberec (2014)
3rd place: Světlana Myslivcová, Not the best book of the year. HR Marketing and Employer Branding (2017)
Best article in a professional journal:
2nd place: doc. 2. Zuzana Potužáková, Ph.D., Analysis of the causes and consequences of youth unemployment in the EU. Political Economy (2015)
Best student publication:
1st place: Jitka Novotová. Best Student Publication of the Year. (2017)
2nd place. Renata Čuhlová, Multinational Companies Benefiting From Investment Incentives and Their Impact on Labour Market of Ustecky Region, XVIII. International Colloquium on Regional Sciences. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University (2015) 

Academic Staff

Name Position Office Phone E-mail:
Jaroslava Dědková Head of Department, Associate Professor H06038 +420 48535 2314 jaroslava.dedkova@tul.cz
Lenka Červová Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor H06043 +420 48535 2364 lenka.cervova@tul.cz
Helena Šimonová Secretary H08023 +420 48535 2392 helena.simonova@tul.cz
Jitka Burešová Assistant Professor H06043 +420 48535 2324 jitka.buresova@tul.cz
Jaroslav Demel Vice-Dean for External Affairs, Deputy Head of Department, Assistant Professor H06036 +420 48535 2203 jaroslav.demel@tul.cz
Světlana Myslivcová Assistant Professor H06039 +420 48535 2359 svetlana.myslivcova@tul.cz
Zuzana Pěničková Associate Professor H06037 +420 48535 2247 zuzana.penickova@tul.cz
Zuzana Švandová Assistant Professor H06013 +420 48535 2362 zuzana.svandova@tul.cz
Otakar Ungerman Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Docent H06044 +420 48535 2417 otakar.ungerman@tul.cz
Jitka Vávrová Assistant Professor H06013 +420 48535 2362 jitka.vavrova@tul.cz
Vojtěch Beran Internal Doctoral Student H06040 vojtech.beran1@tul.cz
Filip Dvořáček Internal Doctoral Student filip.dvoracek@tul.cz
Julie Holendová Internal Doctoral Student H06039 +420 48535 2359 julie.holendova@tul.cz
Pavel Pelech Internal Doctoral Student H06039 +420 48535 2373 pavel.pelech@tul.cz
Kateřina Postránecká Internal Doctoral Student katerina.postranecka@tul.cz


Technical University of Liberec
Faculty of Economics
Department of Marketing and Trade

Voroněžská 13
460 01 Liberec 1

phone: +420 485 352 392
e-mail: helena.simonova@tul.cz

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