
Department of Informatics

The Department of Informatics has long-term focus on the application of agile methods as a way to optimize information processes in business organizations and society. The most important areas of interest include the use of innovative approaches to support information security in emergency situations (e.g. natural disasters, terrorism, transport safety), e-commerce development and online marketing.

Department of Informatics

The Department of Informatics has been focusing on the issues of using agile approaches to support information processes in enterpreunial organisations as well as in the society for a long time. The most important area of interest being the use of innovative approaches to assure optimised information sharing in emergency situations (e.g. natural disasters, terrorism, traffic safety).

About the Department

About the Department

The Department is the guarantor of the study Bachelor´s study programme Information Management, the Master´s programme Managerial Informatics and the Doctoral programme System Engineering and Informatics.

The Department of Informatics has gradually built an advanced multimedia laboratory including a multimedia classroom in which students acquire the skills to create multimedia applications at a highly professional level.



The Department offers courses in the following subject areas: 

  • standard and advanced ICT principles and the possibilities of their application,
  • security aspects of ICT use,
  • modern trends in multimedia technology,
  • analysis and conception of optimised information systems with regard to the system users (UX design and agile approaches),
  • effective use of knowledge related to obtaining and processing information,
  • analysis and management of the organisation using systemic approach,
  • creation of optimised websites, databases and multimedia applications,
  • use of information and communication technologies in e-commerce and online marketing.




The research activity of the Department focuses on issues related to process integration, applications of modern computer and information technologies in the corporate environment and ways of organizing the teaching of business and information fields in relation to long-term professional practice. The Department also focuses intensively on research in the field of e-commerce and online marketing.


Academic Staff

Name Position Office Phone E-mail:
Petr Weinlich Head of Department, Assistant Professor H04026 +420 48535 2413 petr.weinlich@tul.cz
Tereza Semerádová Deputy Head of Department, Assistant Professor H08019 +420 48535 2389 tereza.semeradova@tul.cz
Michal Dostál Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor H08022 +420 48535 2234 michal.dostal@tul.cz
Helena Šimonová Secretary H08023 +420 48535 2392 helena.simonova@tul.cz
Klára Antlová Associate Professor H08020 +420 48535 2390 klara.antlova@tul.cz
David Kubát Assistant Professor, IT Specialist H08021 +420 48535 2223 david.kubat@tul.cz
Marián Lamr A01043 +420 48535 3864 marian.lamr@tul.cz
Dana Nejedlová Assistant Professor H08018 +420 48535 2323 dana.nejedlova@tul.cz
Athanasios Podaras Assistant Professor H08024 +420 48535 2289 athanasios.podaras@tul.cz
Tomáš Žižka IT Specialist, Assistant Professor H08021 +420 48535 2393 tomas.zizka@tul.cz
Bára Honzejková External Doctoral Student +420 48535 2280 bara.smolova@tul.cz
Martin Zelenka External Doctoral Student martin.zelenka@tul.cz


Technical University of Liberec
Faculty of Economics

Department of Informatics
Voroněžská 13
460 01 Liberec 1

phone: +420 485 352 392
e-mail: helena.simonova@tul.cz

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