
Directive of the Dean of the FE TUL No. 1/2019 rev. 02 (updated version here)

Zpracování závěrečných (bakalářských a diplomových) prací na EF TUL



Article 1
General Provisions

(1) The final thesis is an original, comprehensive professional written work, which the student prepares independently, citing all sources applied, both his/her own and others, and based on consultations with the thesis supervisor and tutor. The title and focus of the final thesis must correspond with the study programme and specialization of the student at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Liberec.

a) The Bachelor Thesis demonstrates that the student is able to study the relevant bibliography and evaluate it critically, implement the stated objectives of the Bachelor Thesis at an appropriate level and report on it. The level of the Bachelor Thesis corresponds to the knowledge acquired during the bachelor studies.
b) The Master Thesis demonstrates that the student is able to independently solve an assigned professional task related to the field of his/her master’s degree programme, to apply appropriate professional procedures acquired during the study, to organize information from primary and secondary sources reasonably and to defend the applied approach. The thesis corresponds to the knowledge and competences acquired during the master studies demonstrating mastery of the professional issues and methodology.


(2) The aim of the final thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquired during the studies.


(3) In the parts, where the text of the thesis hinges on known facts described in the bibliography, the bibliographic references should be cited according to the ISO 690:2010 (examples of citations are stipulated in Appendix A of this Directive).


(4) In terms of copyright law, the theses are deemed the property of the faculty and their content may not be used or published without its consent.


(5) The final theses are public, as stipulated in § 47b Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education, Article No. 31 TUL Study and Examination Regulations  and Rector’s Directive No. 5/2018.


(6) The thesis supervisor at EF TUL may be an academic staff member with a Ph.D. or higher degree.


(7) The number of newly commissioned theses per academic staff member of EF TUL is governed by the average number of theses set by the management of EF TUL for a given academic year.



Article 2
Final Thesis Assignment

(1) During the month of March, the staff of the specialized departments publish proposals for the framework topics of the final theses to be prepared in the following academic year in the STAG information system (hereinafter referred to as IS STAG). The topics are in accordance with the study programme (and its specialization, if any), for which they are proposed and are subject to the approval of the guarantor of the study programme or specialization before they are made public and listed in IS STAG.


(2) Students may propose their own thesis topic by the end of February at the latest, based on an individual agreement with the thesis supervisor. Providing the thesis supervisor and the supervisor of the study programme or specialization approve the topic, the topic is listed in IS STAG with an explanatory note that it is preferably intended for this particular student.


(3) The student chooses the focus of his/her final thesis during the month of April of the penultimate year of study from the areas announced by the relevant department. The student registers a maximum of three topics (including his/her own topic) of his/her choice within IS STAG, for which he/she also specifies his/her personal priorities. The registration includes the processing of a thematic focus and a brief outline of the thesis, which the student submits to the supervisor.


(4) The future supervisor of the thesis assesses the processed documents and assigns the topic in IS STAG to the particular student. One topic can be assigned to several students.


(5) After the topic registration, the student completes the rudiments for the specific assignment of the final thesis in IS STAG (Thesis topics tab):


PROQUEST, 2023. Database of Articles ProQuest [online]. Ann Arbor, MI, USA: ProQuest. [cit. 2023-09-30]. Available from: http://knihovna.tul.cz/.


(6) The student selects "Student Completed Supplementary Material VŠKP" and presses the "Save" button.


(7) The thesis supervisor checks the data entered by the student into IS STAG and, if necessary, agrees with the student on modifications. After the final adjustments, the supervisor selects "Teacher-approved Supplementary Material VŠKP" and presses the "Save" button.


(8) The head of the department approves the specific assignment in IS STAG via mass approval of topics no later than 15 October of the academic year.


(9) Subsequently, on 31 October, the Dean of EF TUL approves the assignment via mass approval in IS STAG.


(10) In case of disapproval by the Dean or head of department, the assignment is returned to the student for modification.


(11) After approval by the Dean, the secretariat of the relevant department generates a thesis assignment in IS STAG, which becomes a part of the printed thesis.



Article 3
Final Thesis Processing

(1) The student elaborates the final thesis in written form. Depending on the topic of the assignment, it is supplemented by appendices.


(2) The range of the final thesis shall correspond to the assigned topic and be specified by the thesis assignment. The regular scope of the Bachelor Thesis is 30 standard pages, the regular scope of the Master Thesis is 65 standard pages, including figures and tables, (1 standard page represents 1,800 characters including spaces). The title pages, assignment, appendices, and the references do not count towards the scope.


(3) The final thesis is written in the language taught within the Faculty of Economics (eventual exceptions may be approved by the Dean). The final thesis written in Czech must be in accordance with the current edition of Czech spelling rules


(4) The final thesis is printed on white A4 paper. The opening pages are printed on one side, the following text from the abstract in Czech onwards is printed on both sides.


(5) The thesis must be written on a word processor with the following formatting settings:

a) font size 11,
b) Inter font,
c) 1.5 line spacing,
d) 25 mm for top, bottom and edge margins, a gutter margin of 30mm on the spine edge,
e) each chapter starts with a new page,
f) mathematical relationships, figures, diagrams, graphs as well as tables are aligned to the left banner,
g) mathematical relationships are provided with a number, are numbered in ascending order, the number is indicated in a round bracket at the right margin of the corresponding line,
h) tables are numbered in ascending order (e.g. “Table 1”), the table titles are above the table and aligned to the left margin of the table (Inter, font size 11, italics), the source is stated below the table to the left margin of the table (Inter, font size 9),
i) figures, charts, and diagrams are numbered in ascending order, labelled in a unified pattern as Figure. The titles are presented below the figure, graph or diagram, aligned to the left banner (Inter, font size 11, italics), the source is aligned to the left margin of the figure, chart, or a scheme (Inter, font size 9),
j) photographs may be pasted into the final thesis,
k) fliers, leaflets, drawings or other corporate material, are part of the appendices within the final thesis, not counted into the final scope of the thesis.



Article 4
Final Thesis Layout

(1) The final thesis consists of the following parts and individual pages are ranked commensurate with the following order:

a) the opening page is pursuant to the pattern indicated in Annex No. 1 TUL Rector's Directive No. 5/2018,
b) the front page is generated from IS STAG (pages 1 and 2 blank, not numbered),
c) the topic of the final thesis (double-sided, page 3 and 4, not numbered),
d) the confirmation statement (generated from IS STAG, pages 5 and 6 left blank, not numbered),
e) the title, abstract and key words presented in Czech (page 7, not numbered),
f) the title, abstract and key words presented in English (page 8, not numbered),
g) the acknowledgement (optional, page 9, not numbered, followed by blank page 10),
h) the contents (page 9 or 11, the pages are numbered from this page onwards),
i) the list of figures (photographs),
j) the list of tables,
k) the list of abbreviations and symbols (in an alphabetical order, commonly used abbreviations are not mentioned),
l) the text, divided into chapters:

m) references (in alphabetical order, not subdivided),
n) appendices (annexes are marked with the word "Appendix", ordered alphabetically by capital letters and the title of the annex; annexes include drawings, corporate materials, etc.; the page numbering of annexes is a continuation of the page numbering of the final thesis, but they are not included in the scope of the thesis)



Article 5
Submission of the Final Thesis

(1) The first six introductory pages of the thesis are generated from IS STAG (tab "My studies" -> item in the left menu "Qualification thesis" -> link "Fill in data on the thesis (or submit an electronic form of the thesis). " -> link "Print title pages and the thesis assignment. PDF format".)


(2) Subsequent pages of the thesis are numbered in ascending order, starting with the "Contents" page, which has the page number 9 (if no acknowledgement is given) or 11 (if acknowledgement is included).


(3) Before submitting the final thesis to the supervisor, the student uploads his/her final thesis to IS STAG as a single file in PDF format (PDF/A). The file includes title pages, the thesis assignment and additional data (title of the thesis in English, keywords in Czech and English and the abstract of the thesis in Czech and English). The PDF format must allow searching within the text.


(4) After saving all the data and the electronic form of the thesis, the student prints a confirmation certificate validating the entry of the required data into IS STAG, signs it and attaches it to the printed thesis submitted.


(5) The student submits one copy of the final thesis. The submitted copy must be bound so that the individual sheets are not loose. The Final Thesis is bound in a dark coloured cardboard folder with contrasting print in accordance with the TUL Rector’s Directive No. 5/2018.


(6) Final theses automatically go through a plagiarism check to ensure that any intentional unauthorized use of another person's work, which is in serious violation of intellectual property protection laws, has not occurred during their processing. In the event of suspected plagiarism, the Dean decides on disciplinary proceedings.


(7) If the text and additional data entered into IS STAG is not accompanied by a confirmation of the fact within the final thesis, the supervisor of the final thesis cannot grant the student credit for it.


(8) If either the student fails to submit the final thesis by the due date or the thesis supervisor does not accept the thesis by the due date, the student cannot participate in the State Final Examination.


(9) The submitted copy of the thesis may be returned to the student after a successful defence.



Article 6
Final Provisions

(1) The revision 01 of the Directive No. 1/2019 effective from 1st September 2021 is hereby revoked and replaced by this revision.


(2) This revision of Directive No. 1/2019 enters into force and effect on 23rd September 2022.






Appendix A
Bibliographic Citation Examples

(1) The standardized-format software Zotero is recommended for citations and bibliographic references. The software video tutorial is available on YouTube. The citation style ISO 690:2010 is applied.


(2) Either first names written out in full or the initials can be applied in all types of documents. However, only one of these two options shall be applied for all items in the list of sources used.


(3) The standard ISO690:2010 contains both mandatory and facultative data. If the standard is in conflict with the rules of correct spelling or grammar within some parts, then the rules of correct spelling and grammar are preferred and applied!


(4) Standard and Act


ISO 690:2010. Information and documentation — Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources. Prague: Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing.
ACT NO. 111/1998 Coll., on higher education institutions and on amendments and supplements to some other acts. In: Collection of Acts, 39/1998. ISSN 1211-1244.
ACT NO. 121/2000 Coll., on copyright law, on rights related to copyright and amending certain laws. In: Collection of Acts, 36/2000. ISSN 1211 1244.


(5) Printed Monograph


BUREŠOVÁ, Jitka, 2019. Budování loajality zákazníků ke značkám oblečení na Facebooku. Brno: Masaryk University Press. ISBN 978-80-210-9123-8.


For a monograph with multiple authors. Under the new version of the above standard, all names are entered if possible. The name of the first author is given inversely, and the name of the last author can be separated by “and”.


RYDVALOVÁ, Petra, Ivan JÁČ, Eva KARHANOVÁ HORYNOVÁ, Eva ŠTICHHAUEROVÁ, Magdalena ZBRÁNKOVÁ, Klára ANTLOVÁ, Naděžda PETRŮ and Jiří VACEK, 2017. Typologie a hodnocení vitality rodinného podnikání. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec. ISBN 978-80-7494-352-2.

SEMERÁDOVÁ, Tereza and Petr WEINLICH, 2019. Website Quality and Shopping Behavior – Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-030-44440-2.

Edition data are applied only if the second or a subsequent edition is concerned.

COYLE, John Joseph, Edward J. BARDI, and C. John LANGLEY, 2002. Management of Business Logistics: A Supply Chain Perspective. 7th ed. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-8 131 50032 3.


(6) Journal Article


ŠTICHHAUEROVÁ, Eva, Miroslav ŽIŽKA and Natalie PELLONEOVÁ, 2020. Comparison of the Significance of Clusters for Increasing Business Performance. Journal of Competitiveness, 12(3): 172–1889. ISSN 1804 171X.


(7) Contribution in a Scientific Collection


MYSLIVCOVÁ, Světlana, Kateřina MARŠÍKOVÁ and Jaroslav DEMEL, 2021. Employability of University Graduates: The Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic. In: ANTLOVÁ, Klára and Tereza SEMERÁDOVÁ (eds.). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Liberec Economic Forum 2021. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, pp. 405–413. ISBN 978 80 7494 578 6.


 (8) Dissertation Thesis and/or Habilitation Dissertation


CHERAGHALIZADEH, Romina, 2022. The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Customer Relationships. Liberec. Ph.D. Thesis. Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics. Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Ing. Jaroslava Dědková, Ph.D.

SUKOVÁ, Lenka, 2021. Organizační transformace a integrace podniku v průběhu životního cyklu. Liberec. Dissertation (Ph.D.). Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics. Supervisor: doc. Ing. Petra Rydvalová, Ph.D.


 (9) Electronic Online Sources


CZSO, 2022. Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2022 [online]. Prague: Czech Statistical Office. [cit. 2022-12-19]. ISBN 978-80-250-3282-4. Available from: https://www.czso.cz/csu/czso/statistical-yearbook-of-the-czech-republic-2022

OECD, 2021. OECD. Stat [online]. Paris, France: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [cit. 2022-05-15]. Available from: https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?QueryId=113771

UNGERMAN, Otakar and Jaroslava, DĚDKOVÁ, 2019. Model of the Circular Economy and Its Application in Business Practice. Environment, Development and Sustainability [online], 22(4): 3407–3432. [cit. 2021 08 24]. ISSN 1573 2975. Available from: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10668-019-00351-2.pdf

WB, 2022. World Development Indicators [online]. Washington, D.C., USA: World Bank Group [cit. 2022-05-15]. Available from: https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators


(10)    For referring the sources used in the text of the thesis, the Harvard referencing style is applied, i.e., the author’s last name and the year of publication:



Fojtíková et al. (2014, p. 301) defines globalization as “an objective and natural process that is driven by the expansion of international trade, the increased mobility of capital and labor,” and shows that this process, although spontaneous, is often supported by multinational companies and international organizations (Fojtíková et al. 2014). One of the manifestations of globalization is the massive increase in the intensity of the international movement of goods, services, capital and people leading to the strengthening of interdependence of national economies (Bednářová 2016). This is also why globalization offers many opportunities, but it does not provide any certainties and leads to more frequent and large-scale economic crises (Kraft and Fárek 2012).




BEDNÁŘOVÁ, Pavla, 2016. Vývoj makroekonomických nerovnováh v zemích EU v souvislosti s integračními a globalizačními procesy. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec. ISBN 978-80-7494-298-3.

FOJTÍKOVÁ, Lenka, Kateřina DVOROKOVÁ, Radomír KAŇA, Monika MRLINOVÁ, Eva KOVÁŘOVÁ, Jana KOVÁŘOVÁ, Lukáš MELECKÝ, Michaela STANÍČKOVÁ, Boris NAVRÁTIL and Eva POLEDNÍKOVÁ, 2014. Postavení Evropské unie v podmínkách globalizované světové ekonomiky. Ostrava: University of Mining - Technical University Ostrava. ISBN 978-80-248-3333-0.

KRAFT, Jiří and Jiří FÁREK, 2012. Světová ekonomika v epoše globálních změn. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec. ISBN 978-80-7372-910-3.


(12) Distinguishing between the citing of direct and indirect quotations

a) Direct quotations - an exact copy of the original, including punctuation, keeping the original language, the quotations are placed in quotation marks (text usually in italics), followed by a reference to the source. No text modifications are permitted in a direct citation! If the author adds some information, or even highlights it, the author’s note is indicated in parentheses. For texts in foreign languages, the author provides a relevant translation (after the original text). The amount of direct citations shall not exceed 5%-10% of the text scope.
b) Indirect quotations - paraphrase or summarize the words of another writer using one’s own words. The reference source is always indicated in accordance with Bibliographic Citation Patterns. Indirect quotations are not put in quotation marks; only the source applied is indicated. The amount of indirect quotations is limited. When citing bibliography, however, the provisions of copyright law (Act No. 121/2000 Coll.) are taken into account. § 31 states that a person who uses the excerpts from published works of other authors to a justified extent in his/her own work does not infringe the copyright act. Law does not determine the degree of a “justified extent”, but it follows from logic and rationality that the citing of a single work is not of an extensive scope. Finally, all works used must be properly referenced in the thesis and must be included in the list of references.





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