
Directive of the Dean of the FE TUL No. 8/2014 rev. 08

Organization of Study in Doctoral Study Programmes



Article 1
Legislative Framework

(1) In accordance with § 47 Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions including amendments to some other acts (hereinafter also referred to as „the Act“) and Article 18 section 1 of the Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec, the following directive on organization, the course of studies, study evaluation, the course of State Doctoral Examination and Dissertation Defence is to be implemented.

(2) This Directive uses the generic masculine as a basic, non-symbolic term which does not indicate any preference in terms of biological sex or gender.


Article 2
Admission Proceedings

(1) A prerequisite for admission to doctoral study programmes is the successful completion of studies in the master's degree programme by the date of the entrance examination.

(2) The application form for doctoral study shall be submitted in electronic form via the IS STAG. The application fee shall only be accepted as a cashless payment (detailed information also available at the Student Registry Office).

(3) Applicants are required to enclose all supporting documentation. The following supporting documentation is mandatory in electronic form:

a) Structured professional Curriculum Vitæ (no personal data).
b) Dissertation Statement of Purpose in the extent of 5–10 pages (for the study programme System Engineering and Informatics, specialization: Managerial Informatics in the extent of up to 15 pages).
c) List of one’s publications (if available).
d) Scan of an officially certified copy of the master's degree (or submit the document at the entrance examination).

All supporting documents shall be submitted and emailed at: ef@tul.cz.


(4) Applicants shall receive all relevant and up-to-date information on the exact time and date of the entrance examination by email, at least 5 working days before the date of the entrance examination.

(5) The entrance examination consists of:

a) a professional oral examination in the form of a discussion on compulsory subjects within the selected study programme and on the Dissertation Statement of Purpose,
b) an oral examination in English. For the study programme System Engineering and Informatics, it consists of a written and oral examination in English (B2 proficiency required according to CEFR).


(6) A discussion on compulsory subjects in the study programme is held before at least a three-member committee approved by the Branch Board (hereinbefore “BB”) in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec and appointed by the Dean of the Faculty (or by the dean of a hosting faculty, provided that the doctoral study programme is common for more faculties).

(7) Applicants shall be informed of the entrance examination results in a written form within 14 days after the entrance examination date.


Article 3
Study Duties and Obligations

(1) Once a student enrols, he is obliged to fulfil and perform his study duties in close cooperation with his Supervisor.

(2) The annual tuition fee is 2,000.00 USD per academic year. In case of exceptional study results, the Dean of the Faculty can waive or reduce the tuition fee.

(3) No later than one month from enrolment into the doctoral programme, the Supervisor, in cooperation with the student, works out an Individual Study Plan (hereinafter also referred to as “ISP”), which shall be submitted to the Dean's Office. The Supervisor shall be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty following the approval of the Branch Board within 14 days after receiving the minutes of the Branch Board meeting. In particular, the ISP contains:

a) an assigned research topic forming the basis of the Dissertation (the topic shall be in accordance with the profile of the doctoral student’s field of study, including the framework of the approximate dates of both the State Doctoral Examination and Dissertation Defence),
b) a list of compulsory subjects, compulsory-elective subjects and optional subjects including the dates and order of the examinations and the assessment method of study outcomes,
c) teaching activities assigned by the Head of the Department,
d) the dates of the foreign professional internship,
e) the subjects and dates of the State Doctoral Examination,
f) the dates of the Dissertation Defence.

(4) The ISP is to be approved by the Branch Board.

(5) While drawing up the ISP, the standard period of study, which shall be four years for both full-time and a combined form of study, shall be taken into consideration.

(6) The ISP is subject to a regular annual check and update process.

(7) In accordance with Article 7 of the Study and Examination Regulations, a doctoral student must obtain at least 35 credits to progress to the next year. In the event that a student has less than 35 credits to complete his studies, he may be enrolled in the subsequent year without meeting the 35-credit requirement.

(8) The Examination Report and the Credit Report in the doctoral programme shall be made in one copy. It is the duty of the examiner to record the result of the examination or the credit into IS STAG according to Article 10 section 17 Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec and at the same time to forward the Examination Report or the Credit Report to the Study Office.

(9) According to Article 18 section 8 Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec, no later than September 30th of a calendar year, the doctoral student (except first year students) is obliged to submit the Annual Evaluation of Study form to the Dean's Office of the Faculty, which is processed in close cooperation with the student’s Supervisor. The Annual Evaluation of Study form shall be approved by the Branch Board within 3 months after the date of submission. The Branch Board forwards the Annual Evaluation form to the Dean of the Faculty.


Article 4
The Full-time Student’s Obligations and Duties Regarding the Organization of Study

(1) The full-time doctoral student is obliged to attend any events held by the faculty or the training department including meetings, Colloquium, non-scheduled seminars and lectures, both state and entrance examinations in particular.

(2) Provided the doctoral student is absent over a long period, he shall be obliged to inform his Supervisor, the head of the training department as well as the Vice-Dean for Science and Research.


Article 5
Research Activities and Publications

(1) The Dissertation shall contain original research. The papers submitted must be directly related to the topic of the Dissertation and the specific scientific task.

(2) The specific scientific task indicates participation by the student in external research projects within the department that are related to the topic of the Dissertation or provide a solution for the internal research project within the Student Grant Competition at the Technical University of Liberec.

(3) Published original results of research activities by the doctoral student shall also be a part of the Dissertation in accordance with Article 23 section 3d Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec, in the peer-reviewed scientific journals in particular. Publications shall be consulted with the student’s Supervisor.

(4) A minimum of one fully authored publication relevant to topic of Dissertation Thesis in a journal with a non-zero impact factor and non-zero Article Influence Score in Core Collection Journals of Web of Science (including Emerging Sources Citation Index ESCI), or two fully authored publications relevant to topic of Dissertation Thesis in a journal in the Scopus database with a non-zero SJR value, is considered to be a minimum of publication activity (regarding original results) when submitting an application for the defence of a Dissertation. A publication co-authored by a student and his Supervisor is also considered a co-authored publication.

(5) The scientific research activity is concluded with a credit, which is awarded by the Vice-Dean for Science and Research on the basis of the submitted documents concerning the doctoral student's publication results. The credit evaluation of each type of publication result is specified in the relevant study plan. In the case of co-authorship, the number of credits is divided according to the proportion of contributions of each author. The Supervisor is excluded from the calculation when determining the proportion of contributions of his doctoral student and his proportion of the result is divided among the remaining co-authors in proportion to the size of their contributions. The doctoral student receives credits after achieving the required total credit score for the corresponding course.

(6) In terms of the doctoral student's publication activity, the conditions listed in paragraphs (4) and (5) must be met in order to participate in the Dissertation Defence. The minimum number of credits for scientific research activity is specified in the relevant study plan.

(7) The doctoral student is obliged to register all publication results in the information system publications.tul.cz.


Article 6
Teaching Activities

(1) Teaching and educational activities shall be considered as a part of the doctoral student’s duties and obligations. Teaching activities shall be stipulated and announced by the Department Head.

(2) Teaching and educational activities are as follows: a student enrolled in full-time study is required to be present at the department of the faculty in compliance with the Head of the Department, in order to participate in training seminars and lectures in the extent of 4 hours a week, to stipulate and to announce office hours in the extent of at least 2 hours a week. A student enrolled in part-time study is obliged to fulfil and perform duties and obligations upon mutual agreement with the student’s Supervisor considering the student’s time limits within his job.

(3) An employment agreement is concluded with a doctoral student for the purpose of his teaching activity.



Article 7
Doctoral Foreign Mobility

(1) Part of the study obligations is to complete at least one foreign professional internship during the standard period of study focused on the Dissertation topic. For full-time students usually for a period of one semester (e.g., as part of the Erasmus programme or through bilateral agreements between the faculty and other foreign institutions), at a university with a corresponding doctoral programme. In the case of students in the combined form of study, part of the study obligations includes the completion of at least one month of their study at a foreign institution or participation in an international creative project with results published or presented abroad or another form of direct participation of the student in international cooperation.

(2) The subject field of a particular foreign professional internship shall be discussed and approved by the student’s Supervisor and the International Office of the Faculty of Economics at the Technical University of Liberec.

(3) Students in doctoral study programmes will be allowed to go on a foreign professional internship after fulfilling study obligations of the first year of their doctoral studies (i.e. minimum 60 credits), because a higher level of Dissertation Thesis development is necessary for a consultation with foreign experts.


Article 8

(1) Participating in a Colloquium shall be considered as a part of the student’s duties and obligations. Colloquium shall be held at the beginning of the second year within particular training department. Colloquium means a professional and scientific debate on the doctoral Dissertation.

(2) A Colloquium shall be organised by the Dean's Office with the attendance of supervisors, the guarantor of a particular field of study or an authorised representative, doctoral students, academics, consultants and other experts and professionals in a certain field.

(3) The student shall present participating members to his Dissertation in progress, generally in the range of about 20 pages (bibliographic research, objectives, defined hypotheses, methodological foundations, following plans of action).

(4) The Colloquium is held as a debate including the current stage and focus of the Dissertation. The student obtains relevant and factual comments in order to carry on working and completing the Dissertation successfully. Subsequently, the main comments shall become an integral part of a student’s propositions for the State Doctoral Examination. The student’s Supervisor shall be in charge of the academic discussion.

(5) The student shall provide all supporting documentation in a written form at least two months before the date of the colloquium. Failure to submit all supporting documentation in a written form without any serious reason shall be considered as a serious default on study obligations.

(6) Record of the Course of Colloquium shall be taken and appropriately entered and saved in the study documents within the Dean's Office of the Faculty and may be a part of the application for the State Doctoral Examination.


Article 9
State Doctoral Examination

(1) The State Doctoral Examination in the doctoral study programme Economics and Management and Business Administration and Management takes place at the end of the second year of study as a rule. A student is obliged to pass the State Doctoral Examination no later than at the end of the third year of study, otherwise the student’s studies shall be terminated with reference to § 56 Section 1. b) of the Act.

(2) The State Doctoral Examination in the doctoral study programme System Engineering and Informatics takes place at the end of the third year of study as a rule. A student is obliged to pass the State Doctoral Examination no later than at the end of the fourth year of study, otherwise, the student’s studies shall be terminated with reference to § 56 Section 1. b) of the Act.

(3) The date for submitting applications for the State Doctoral Examination as well as the date and venue for the State Doctoral Examination and Dissertation Defence is proposed and specified by the Dean of the Faculty. The dates shall be announced and appropriately publicized on the official electronic notice board. A student applies for the dates via the Student Registry Office of the Faculty by the deadline specified on the official electronic notice board.

(4) Along with an application for the State Doctoral Examination, the student shall submit:

a) the proposition of the Dissertation Thesis in electronic form and five printed copies processed according to the Dean’s Directive 4/2022, including a structured professional Curriculum Vitæ (no personal data).
b) a statement by the Supervisor recommending or not recommending the State Doctoral Examination and the proposal of the reviewer of the Proposition of the Dissertation Thesis, who tentatively agrees to oppose the Thesis. The reviewer is proposed by the Supervisor.
c) Record of the Course of Colloquium held at the department – see § 7 (6).
d) a printed and signed Course of Studies form (the form for printing the Course of Studies can be found in IS STAG under My Study -> Course of study -> Study Results).

(5) The defence of the Proposition of the Dissertation Thesis is part of the State Doctoral Examination. The scope and structure of the Proposition of the Dissertation Thesis shall be proposed and stipulated by the Branch Board. The requirements for the Proposition of the Dissertation Thesis are specified by the Dean’s Directive 4/2022. The Proposition of the Dissertation Thesis is assessed by one external reviewer, who is selected by the Supervisor.

(6) The State Doctoral Examination shall be governed by Article 22 Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec.


Article 10
Preliminary Defence

(1) The Preliminary Defence take place at the training department of the faculty before the date of the Dissertation Defence. The student’s Supervisor, the head of the training department, academics of the training department and other collegiate departments may participate in the Preliminary Defence.

(2) The date and venue of the Preliminary Defence is proposed and appropriately announced by the head of the training department to the Dean's Office. Afterwards, the Dean's Office announces and publicizes all the departments within the faculty.

(3) The objective of the Preliminary Defence is to assess and tutor the formal, scientific and professional level of the Dissertation.

(4) Record of the Course of Preliminary Defence, if held, shall be attached to the application for the Dissertation Defence. The Record of the Course of Preliminary Defence state whether the Dissertation is subject to prior approval or disapproval by the training department for the defence in front of the committee.


Article 11
Dissertation Defence

(1) Along with an application for the Dissertation Defence, the student shall submit:

a) the Dissertation in electronic form and three printed copies of the Dissertation in the final version processed according to both the Rector's Directive No. 5/2018 and the Dean’s Directive 4/2022,
b) an electronic version of the presentation of the Dissertation (to be published on the website of the Faculty) and ten printed copies of the presentation of the Dissertation processed according to the Dean’s Directive 4/2022,
c) Record of the Course of Preliminary Defence and its proceedings in the relevant department (see Article 8),
d) a structured professional Curriculum Vitæ, including an internship overview (no personal data),
e) a list of publications, indicating the student's contributions and references (citations) to publications, which show that the minimum criteria of Article 5 par. (4) have been met,
f) statement by the Supervisor recommending or not recommending the doctoral student for the Dissertation Defence and the Supervisor’s proposal for potential reviewers of the Dissertation, who tentatively agreed to oppose the Dissertation (details are regulated by Article 24 Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec); the reviewers are proposed by the Supervisor to the Branch Board; the reviewers are appointed by the Dean on the proposal of the Branch Board;
g) a printed and signed Course of Studies form (the form for printing the Course of Studies can be found in IS STAG under My Study -> Course of study -> Study Results).

(2) The Supervisor's report containing an evaluation of the doctoral student’s cooperation with the Supervisor, the Supervisor’s view of the professional level of the Dissertation and on the doctoral student’s publication activity and an assessment of the result of the plagiarism check is submitted to the application for the Dissertation Defence usually within one month from submission of the application.

(3) The Dissertation Defence follows the provisions of Article 25 Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec. Article 19 Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec specifies and stipulates the application deadline for the Dissertation Defence.


Article 12
Temporary Provisions

(1) For students who have started their studies up to and including the academic year 2018/2019, the minimum publication activity in accordance with Article 5 par. (4) shall be three results meeting the conditions for inclusion in the Research, Development and Innovation Information System (RIV) when submitting an application for the defence of a Dissertation. Of these, at least one publication, with the main authorial contribution of the student, must be in an impacted journal or in a journal indexed in the Scopus database. The publication may be in collaboration with a Supervisor.


Article 13
Final Provisions

(1) This review no. 08 revokes review no. 07 of the Dean's Directive No. 8/2014 on the Doctoral Study Programme valid and effective since November 1, 2023.

(2) Discussed and approved at the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Liberec by the Branch Board for the doctoral study programmes in Economics and Management and Business Administration and Management on March 26, 2024, and the Branch Board for the doctoral study programme System Engineering and Informatics on March 26, 2024.

(3) This Dean's Directive is effective and in force on September 1, 2024.





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