
Doctoral Studies

Guidebook for New Ph.D. Students download here
Topics of the Dissertation Thesis for doctoral study programmes download here
Study plan – Business Administration and Management download here
Study plan – Managerial Informatics download here
Binding Structure of Propositions & Dissertation Thesis (4/2022) download here

Directives for doctoral students  
Directive of the Dean on Binding Structure of Propositions & Dissertation Thesis (4/2022) view
Directive of the Dean on Organization of Study in Doctoral Study Programmes (8/2014) view
Directive of the Dean on Organization of Study in Doctoral Study Programmes (8/2014) - valid from September 2024 view
Directive of the Dean on Rules and Conditions for Admission Procedure to Doctoral Study Programmes in the Academic Year (6/2023) view
Order of the Dean on Organization of State Doctoral Examinations and Dissertation Thesis Defences (1/2024) view


Forms for doctoral students  
Individual Study Plan of PhD Students download here
Credit Report download here
Examination Report download here
Record of the Course of Colloquium download here
Class Monitoring Report download here
Request to the Branch Board download here
Annual Evaluation of PhD Student download here
Application for State Doctoral Examination download here
Record of the Course of Preliminary Defence download here
Application for the Dissertation Thesis Defence download here


Branch Council

The Branch Council is responsible for the guidance and management of doctoral studies at our faculty. Each doctoral programme has its own Doctoral Board, which consists of a chairperson, internal members and external members.

Branch Board of the doctoral study programme: Business Administration and Management


prof. Ing. Miroslav Žižka, Ph.D.

Guarantor of the study programme Business Administration and Management
Internal Members: doc. Ing. Klára Antlová, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Science and Research, Department of Informatics
  doc. PhDr. Ing. Pavla Bednářová, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Economics
  doc. Ing. Jakub Dyntar, Ph.D. Department of Business Administration and Management
  prof. Ing. Ivan Jáč, CSc. Department of Business Administration and Management
  prof. Ing. Jiří Kraft, CSc. Department of Economics
  doc. Ing. Kateřina Maršíková, Ph.D. Department of Business Administration and Management
  doc. Ing. Petra Rydvalová, Ph.D. Department of Business Administration and Management
  doc. Ing. Pavla Vrabcová, Ph.D. Department of Economic Statistics
External Members: prof. Ing. Mgr. Petra Marešová, Ph.D. University of Hradec Králové
  prof. Dr. Ing. Drahomíra Pavelková Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  doc. Ing. Ladislav Rolínek, Ph.D. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
  doc. RNDr. Ing. Hana Scholleová, Ph.D. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  prof. Ing. Emil Vacík, Ph.D. University of West Bohemia in Pilsen


Branch Board of the doctoral study programme: Economics and Management

Chairman: prof. Ing. Jiří Kraft, CSc. Department of Economics
Internal Members: doc. Ing. Klára Antlová, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Science and Research, Department of Informatics
  doc. PhDr. Ing. Pavla Bednářová, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Economics
  doc. Ing. Jakub Dyntar, Ph.D. Department of Business Administration and Management
  prof. Ing. Ivan Jáč, CSc. Department of Business Administration and Management
  doc. Ing. Kateřina Maršíková, Ph.D. Department of Business Administration and Management
  doc. Ing. Petra Rydvalová, Ph.D. Department of Business Administration and Management
  doc. Ing. Pavla Vrabcová, Ph.D. Department of Economic Statistics

prof. Ing. Miroslav Žižka, Ph.D.

Department of Business Administration and Management
External Members: prof. Ing. Mgr. Petra Marešová, Ph.D. University of Hradec Králové
  prof. Dr. Ing. Drahomíra Pavelková Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  doc. Ing. Ladislav Rolínek, Ph.D. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
  doc. RNDr. Ing. Hana Scholleová, Ph.D. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  prof. Ing. Emil Vacík, Ph.D. University of West Bohemia in Pilsen


Branch Board of the doctoral study programme: System Engineering and Informatics


doc. Ing. Klára Antlová, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for Science and Research, Department of Informatics
Internal Members: prof. Ing. Jiří Kraft, CSc. Department of Economics
  doc. Ing. Jan Skrbek, Dr.  
  prof. Ing. Miroslav Žižka, Ph.D. Guarantor of the study programme Business Administration and Management
External Members: prof. Ing. Zdeněk Plíva, Ph.D. FM TUL

doc. RNDr. Pavel Satrapa, Ph.D.



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