
Directive of the Dean of the FE TUL No. 4/2022 rev. 01

Binding Structure of the Propositions for State Doctoral Examination,
of the Dissertation Thesis, and of the Dissertation Thesis Presentation




Article 1
General Provisions

(1) This directive specifies the binding structure of propositions for state doctoral examination, the binding structure of the dissertation thesis and the binding structure of the dissertation thesis presentation in accordance with § 47 of the Act no. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and article 23 section 5 of the Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University in Liberec.



Article 2
Binding Structure of the Propositions for State Doctoral Examination

(1) The propositions of the dissertation thesis for the state doctoral examination consist of:

a) Preface.
b) Summary and evaluation of scientific findings in the topic area.
c) Definition of the objectives based on the analysis of current situation.
d) Overview of own achievements in the topic area.
e) Outline of subsequent course of the final thesis (e.g. choice of research methods,
proposal for research implementation, etc.)
f) Conclusion.
g) References.
h) List of own publications related to the final thesis topic.
i) Structured professional Curriculum Vitæ (no personal data).


(2) The front page shall state the faculty logo, the title and the type of the thesis, study programme, branch including specialization, name and surname of the author (degrees included), name and surname of supervisor (degrees included), date and venue of processing. Recommended range of propositions is of 50 standard pages at the maximum.


(3) Propositions of the dissertation thesis processed according to this directive are submitted to the email tereza.markova@tul.cz in electronic version and five printed copies are submitted at the dean’s office as an integral part of the application for state doctoral examination.


(4) In addition to the propositions of the dissertation thesis, the student is required to submit also:

a) the statement of a supervisor in terms of recommending or not recommending the state doctoral examination,
b) the record of the course of the colloquium held at the department,
c) the course of study, i.e. the printed and signed course of studies form (the form for printing the course of studies can be found in IS STAG under My Study → Course of study → Study Results).
d) the reviewer’s report, who is selected by the supervisor and is not from the doctoral student's home university. For the doctoral programme System Engineering and Informatics, the thesis shall also be accompanied by the supervisor's report.



Article 3
Binding Structure of the Dissertation Thesis

(1) The binding structure of the dissertation thesis and of the dissertation thesis presentation follows the Rector's Directive No. 5/2018 on the unified form and publication of bachelor, master, doctoral, rigorous, dissertation and habilitation theses, the Study and Examination Regulations of the Technical University of Liberec and the recommendations of international standards ISO 7144:1986 Documentation — Presentation of theses and similar documents and ISO 690:2010 Information and documentation — Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources.


(2) Dissertation thesis is a document that introduces the Ph.D. student’s research and its outcomes, demonstrates the student’s ability to research independently in a creative way, and which is presented by the student in support of obtaining a doctoral degree. The dissertation thesis contains published results of the student’s research work or results accepted for publication, namely in scientific journals.


(3) The dissertation is divided into: introductory part, main text part, appendices, final part.


(4) The introductory part of the dissertation thesis consists of:

a) Front cover and the inside front cover page. Front cover is written in the corresponding language and is in accordance with the Rector's Directive No. 5/2018. Front cover template is also available at the intranet of the Technical University of Liberec.
b) Title page. The title page is generated from the IS STAG in the corresponding language, the thesis assignment is not inserted.
c) Declaration of the author on intellectual property or copyright in the language of the dissertation thesis. The Declaration of the author is generated together with the title page from IS STAG.
d) Title and abstract (presented in both Czech and English languages) of a maximum onepage range, processed according to ISO 214:1976 Documentation — Abstracts for publications and documentation. Abstract is a brief characteristic of the dissertation thesis in terms of its content, its purpose and its scientific findings.
e) Key words presented in both Czech and English languages.
f) Table of Contents.
g) List of used symbols and abbreviations (in an alphabetical order).
h) List of Tables and List of Figures (along with the page number on which they are printed).

The page number first appears on the “Table of Contents” page. Page numbers are not displayed for previous sections. The page numbering also includes all sections of the introductory part, starting with the title page.


(5) The main text part of the dissertation thesis consists of:

a) Preface of the dissertation thesis.
b) Objectives of the dissertation thesis.
c) Overview of the current state of research in the area of the topic of the dissertation thesis (bibliographic research), including the bibliographic references.
d) Methods and the description of the author’s solution and the research results.
e) Original authorial results and their application primarily in publicly reviewed scientific publications and projects.
f) Assessment of the findings with an emphasis on significant benefits to the science or practice.
g) Recommendation for further in research.
h) Conclusion of the dissertation thesis.
i) References processed in accordance with ISO 690:2010 Information and documentation — Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources.
j) All documents referred in the main text section of the dissertation thesis are stipulated in the part on “Citations”. Only the bibliography referred in the text shall be mentioned in this part. All bibliographic references are listed alphabetically by authors and year of publication (Harvard style) and “(name & year)” form of references are applied in the entire text of the dissertation thesis – see Appendix A for examples.
k) Bibliography contains documents not referred in the main part of the dissertation thesis. However, these documents are stated as supplementary information. All documents are processed in accordance with ISO 690:2010 Information and documentation — Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources, see Appendix A for examples.


(6) The appendices of the dissertation thesis contain additional information supplementing the main text, such as explanation of the research methods and techniques summarized in the text, pictorial documentation, user manuals and instructions, etc.

a) Providing that appendices are extensive, they may be bound as a separate part of the dissertation thesis.
b) Each appendix is captioned as “Appendix” and indicated in capital letters of the alphabet (“Appendix A”, “Appendix B”, etc.). Each appendix shall begin with a new page.
c) The list of appendices is included in the page numbering and the page number of the list is displayed.
d) The pages of appendices are not included in the page extent of the dissertation thesis. The page number is displayed.


(7) The final part of the dissertation thesis consists of:

a) Index (not required).
b) Acknowledgement (not required).
c) Erratum (if required).
d) Back cover and inside back cover page.
e) Addendum (electronic version of the dissertation thesis).

Recommended length of the main text part of the dissertation thesis is of 120 up to 150 standard pages, appendices excluded. The dissertation thesis is printed double-sided. The thesis is submitted in three printed copies.



Article 4
Binding Structure of the Dissertation Thesis Presentation

(1) The binding structure of the dissertation thesis presentation shall be in accordance with the structure of the dissertation thesis and shall contain:

a) Introductory part, which is processed in accordance with the binding structure of the dissertation thesis (i.e. front cover page, title page, declaration, abstract in both Czech and English languages, table of contents, list of symbols and abbreviations used within the dissertation thesis presentation. Template for the cover page, title page and the second page of the dissertation thesis presentation is given in Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D of this Directive.
b) Preface to the main text section.
c) Overview of the current state of research in the area of the topic of the dissertation thesis (bibliographic research), including the bibliographic references.
d) Definition of the dissertation thesis objectives.
e) Description of the methods of research and processing.
f) Main authorial results obtained in the dissertation thesis with the emphasis on the original research and application of the findings primarily in publicly reviewed scientific publications and projects.
g) Conclusion.
h) List of bibliographic citations used in the dissertation thesis presentation.
i) List of publications of the Ph.D. student, including the author's share.
j) List of citations (responses) on Ph.D. student’s publications.
k) Structured professional Curriculum Vitæ (no personal data).


(2) Recommended length of dissertation thesis presentation is of 20 up to 24 standard pages.


(3) The number of pages of the dissertation thesis presentation must be divisible by four to create a brochure. The dissertation thesis presentation is submitted in the form of an A5 brochure, bound into the so-called “V1 binding, i.e. a sewn binding”. The front and back cover pages are printed on a cardboard of a green colour.


(4) The dissertation thesis presentation processed according to this directive is submitted to the email tereza.markova@tul.cz in electronic version and ten printed copies are submitted at the dean’s office as an integral part of the application for the dissertation thesis defence.



Article 5
Temporary and Final Provisions

(1) This revision supersedes revision no. 00 of the directive no. 4/2022 “Binding Structure of the Propositions for State Doctoral Examination, of the Dissertation Thesis, and of the Dissertation Thesis Presentation” in force and in effect as of the 1st November 2022.


(2) Approved by the Branch Board (hereinbefore “BB”) of the doctoral study programme Economics and Management, by the Branch Board of the doctoral study programme Business Administration and Management, and by the partial (faculty) Branch Board of the doctoral study programme Systems Engineering and Informatics on the 19th October 2023.


(3) This revision of the directive shall come into force and effect on the 20th October 2023.





Appendix A
Bibliographic Citation Examples (in accordance with the Dean’s Directive No. 1/2019)

(1) For creating citations and bibliographic records, we recommend using the Zotero citation software, installing the TUL citation style add-on and using the author-date citation system (TUL-iso-690-2022-ad.csl).


(2) First names are spelt in full, or the initials can be applied to all types of documents. However, only one of these two options shall be applied to all items in the list of sources used.


(3) In all types of documents with multiple authors, the names of all authors shall be indicated, separated by semicolons where possible. The name of the first author shall be given inversely, and the name of the last author may be separated by "and". In the case of more than five authors, the sixth and subsequent authors are replaced by the abbreviation "et al.".


(4) Standard and Legal


CZECH REPUBLIC, 1998. Act No. 111 of April 22 1998 on Higher Education and on Amendments and Additions to Other Acts (Higher Education Act). In: Collection of laws of the Czech Republic. Part 39, pp. 5388-5419. ISSN 1211-1244.

OFFICE FOR TECHNICAL STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND STATE TESTING (ÚNMZ), 2022. ČSN ISO 690:2022, Information and documentation – Rules for bibliographic references and citations of information sources


(5) Printed Monograph


BUREŠOVÁ, Jitka, 2019. Building customer loyalty to clothing brands on Facebook. Brno: Masaryk University Press. ISBN 978-80-210-9123-8.

RYDVALOVÁ, Petra; Ivan JÁČ; Eva KARHANOVÁ HORYNOVÁ; Eva ŠTICHHAUEROVÁ; Magdalena ZBRÁNKOVÁ et al., 2017. Typology and evaluation of family business vitality. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec. ISBN 978-80-7494-352-2.

SEMERÁDOVÁ, Tereza and Petr WEINLICH, 2019. Website Quality and Shopping Behavior – Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-030-44440-2.


Edition data are applied only if the second or a subsequent edition is concerned.


KUNEŠOVÁ, Hana; Aleš KOCOUREK; Pavla BEDNÁŘOVÁ; Eva CIHELKOVÁ and Miloš NOVÝ, 2014. World economy: new phenomena and perspectives. 3rd ed. Prague: C.H. Beck. ISBN 978-80-7400-502-2.

COYLE, John J.; Edward J. BARDI a C. John LANGLEY, 2003. The Management of Business Logistics: A Supply Chain Perspective. 7th ed. Mason: South-Western Thomson Learning. ISBN 978-0-324-00751-0.


(6) Journal Article


ŠTICHHAUEROVÁ, Eva; Miroslav ŽIŽKA and Natalie PELLONEOVÁ, 2020. Comparison of the Significance of Clusters for Increasing Business Performance. Journal of Competitiveness, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 172–1889. ISSN 1804-171X.


(7) Contribution in a Scientific Collection


MYSLIVCOVÁ, Světlana; Kateřina MARŠÍKOVÁ a Jaroslav DEMEL, 2021. Employability of University Graduates: The Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic. In: ANTLOVÁ, Klára a Tereza SEMERÁDOVÁ (ed.). Liberec Economic Forum 2021: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, s. 405–413. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci. ISBN 978-80-7494-578-6.


(8) Dissertation and/or Habilitation Dissertation


CHERAGHALIZADEH, Romina, 2022. The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Customer Relationships. Ph.D. Thesis. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics. Dostupné z: https://dspace.tul.cz/handle/15240/166818.


(9) Electronic Online Sources


OECD, 2023. EBOPS 2002 – Balanced International Trade in Services (1995-2012). dataset; online. Paříž, Francie: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Data extracted on 21 Aug 2023 [2023-08-21]. Dostupné z: https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?QueryId=113771.

UNGERMAN, Otakar a Jaroslava DĚDKOVÁ, 2020. Model of the Circular Economy and Its Application in Business Practice. online. Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 22, no. 4, s. 3407–3432. ISSN 1573-2975. Dostupné z: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-019-00351-2.

WORLD BANK, 2023. World Development Indicators. dataset; online. Washington D.C., USA: World Bank Group. Updated: 03/01/2023 [2023-01-03]. Dostupné z: https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators.


(10) For referring the sources used in the text of the thesis, the Harvard referencing style is applied, i.e., the authors' last name and the year of publication:

a) The surname of the author(s) and the year of publication shall appear in round brackets in the text.
b) If the number of authors is more than two, only the surname of the first author and "et al." are given.
c) If the name of the author is not known, the institution sponsoring the publication shall be used instead of the author.
d) If the institution is not known, use the abbreviation "Anon." (anonymous).
e) In the case of a direct quotation, the page number from which the direct quotation is taken shall also be given in brackets after the year of publication.


(11) The list of citations at the end of the thesis is arranged alphabetically by the authors' surnames and at the second level by year of publication.



Fojtíková et al. (2014, pp. 301) defines globalisation as "an objective and natural process that is driven by the expansion of international trade, the increased mobility of capital and labor," and shows that this process, although spontaneous, is often supported by multinational companies and international organisations (Fojtíková et al., 2014). One of the manifestations of globalisation is the massive increase in the intensity of the international movement of goods, services, capital and people leading to the strengthening of interdependence of national economies (Bednářová, 2016). This is also why globalisation offers many opportunities, but it does not provide any certainties and leads to more frequent
and large-scale economic crises (Kraft and Fárek, 2012).



BEDNÁŘOVÁ, Pavla, 2016. Development of macroeconomic imbalances in EU countries in connection with integration and globalisation processes. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec. ISBN 978-80-7494-298-3.

FOJTÍKOVÁ, Lenka; Kateřina DVOROKOVÁ; Radomír KAŇA; Monika MRLINOVÁ; Eva KOVÁŘOVÁ et al., 2014. The position of the European Union in the conditions of a globalised world economy. Series on Advanced Economic Issues, vol. 27. Ostrava: University of Mining - Technical University Ostrava. ISBN 978-80-248-3333-0.

KRAFT, Jiří and Jiří FÁREK, 2012. World economy in the epoch of global changes. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec. ISBN 978-80-7372-910-3.


(12) Distinguishing between the citing of direct and indirect quotations


a) Direct quotations - an exact copy of the original, including punctuation, keeping the original language; the quotes are placed in quotation marks (text usually in italics), followed by a reference to the source. No text modifications are permitted in a direct citation! If the author adds some information or even highlights it, the author’s note is indicated in parentheses. For texts in foreign languages, the author provides a relevant translation (after the original text). The amount of direct citations shall not exceed 5%-10% of the text scope. All directly cited sources must be referenced correctly in the thesis, including the page number or page numbers from which they are cited, and must be listed in the reference list.

b) Indirect quotations - paraphrase or summarise the words of another writer using one’s own words. The reference source is always indicated in  accordance with Bibliographic Citation Patterns. Indirect quotations are not put in quotation marks; only the source applied is indicated. The amount of indirect quotations is limited. When citing the bibliography, however, the provisions of Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright Law, on rights related to copyright and amending specific laws (copyright law) are considered. § 31 states that a person who uses the excerpts from published works of other authors to a justified extent in their work does not infringe the copyright act. Law does not determine the degree of a “justified extent”, but it follows from logic and rationality that the citing of a single work is not of an extensive scope. Finally, all works used must be properly referenced in the thesis and included in the list of references.


Annexes B, C, D

Sample of the Front Cover of the Dissertation Thesis Presentation
Sample of the Title Page of the Dissertation Thesis Presentation
Sample of the Second Page of the Dissertation Thesis Presentation

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