

In this tab all students of all study programmes and forms will find all the necessary organisational information about their studies. There is a timetable of classes, a link to the study department, a guide to the organisation of studies for each year. But remember that many applications can be handled electronically through IS STAG, under the Student Applications tab.

Bachelor Studies

Students have the possibility to obtain a bachelor degree after completing  3 years of studies. To graduate, they have to write a bachelor´s thesis and pass the State Final Examination. Students must enrol for this examination at a department of the Faculty of Economics within a stated time (at the latest, at the beginning of the 3rd year  ), and the departments will assign a bachelor's thesis (BP) to them. The BP must be completed by the student under the guidance of a lecturer, and must be handed in by a stated deadline.


A student can take the State Final Examination (PESZZ) only after acquiring at least 180 credits as stated in the Study and Examination Regulations, and a successful completion and submission of the BP.


After obtaining the degree of Bachelor (Bc.), the student can continue in the Master studies at the Faculty of Economics or other faculties in the Czech Republic.

Guide to smooth studies at the Faculty of Economics 2022/2023

Internal Regulations  
Rules and Conditions for Admission Procedure to Follow-up Master Degree Programmes at the Faculty of Economics in the Academic Year 2024/2025 (5/2023) view
Правила порядку прийому та умови вступу на навчання в бакалаврських та магістратерських начальних програмах у навчальному році 2024/2025 для студентів з України зі статусом «іноземця з тимчасовим захистом» (7/2023) download here
Directive of the Dean on Conditions for Continuing Studies (4/2018) download here
Directive of the Dean on Electronic Submission of Applications (1/2021) download here
Directive of the Dean on Organization of the Study Programme International Management and Conditions for Graduation (5/2021) view
Directive of the Dean on Registration for the State Final Examination in Economics (7/2021) view
List of General Topics for the Final State Examination in Economics download here
Directive of the Dean on Processing the Final Theses (1/2019) for students with assignments from and including 2023/24 view
Directive of the Dean on Processing the Final Theses (1/2019) for students with assignments up to and including 2022/23 view
Directive of the Dean on Application for Final State Examination (6/2021) view
List of General Topics for the Final State Examination in Business Administration (Expert Debate) download here
List of General Topics for the Final State Examination in International Management (Expert Debate) download here


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