
The Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Liberec

The Faculty of Economics of the Technical University of Liberec offers what businesses and organizations need at the beginning of the 3rd millennium - top education, research, knowledge, experience, cooperation. During its existence, the faculty has transformed into a prestigious, respected institution providing complete - i.e. bachelor, master and doctoral education in the study programmes Economics and Management, Systems Engineering and Informatics and Economic Policy and Administration.


The predecessor of the Faculty of Economics was established with effect from 1 May 1992 as the fourth faculty of the University of Engineering and Textiles in Liberec (today's Technical University of Liberec) and started its activities in the academic year 1992/93. It acquired its current name on 1 September 2009.

Scientific and research activities are an indispensable part of the Faculty of Economics. Significant results of scientific work are regularly presented at the international conferences "Liberec Economic Forum" and "Liberec Informatics Forum", organized by the Faculty in two-year cycles. The Faculty of Economics is the seat of the North Bohemian Regional Section of the Czech Society for System Integration; it cooperates closely with the Chamber of Commerce, the Czech Marketing Society, the Association of Accountants, leading industrial enterprises, banks, insurance companies and other important institutions of economic and public life.

The Faculty of Economics of TUL was the initiator of the establishment and is the editorial office of the prestigious scientific journal E+M Economics and Management, which is listed in the Journal Citation Reports and Scopus databases. Since 2010, the journal E+M Economics and Management has been assigned an impact factor.

In 2016 the Faculty of Economics of TUL received the National Quality Award of the Czech Republic in the START EUROPE programme and in 2019 even the National Quality Award of the Czech Republic in the START PLUS Comitted to Excellence 2 Star programme.

Mission EF TUL

Mission EF TUL

The Faculty of Economics of TUL relies on its own results of science and research and on cooperation with business practice in its educational activities. The educational activities are based on the results of in-house research, development and cooperation with corporations. It not only provides students with quality education, but also supports them in developing other activities and competences that increase the employability of graduates on the labour market and in the field of applied research.

A significant part of the Faculty's acitivty is situated and implemented in an international environment, supporting a high level of international mobility of students and academic staff. The Faculty is a recognised partner of public authorities and economic entities in supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning.

Vision EF TUL

Vision EF TUL

The Faculty of Economics of TUL wants to be an integral and integrating part of the Technical University of Liberec, using the synergy of the scientific disciplines of the University's departments in providing quality education in economics at all levels of study.

The Faculty has the ambition to be a top educational and research institution in its core study programme Economics and Management. The faculty will focus on attracting quality applicants, particularly in the Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa including Liberec and the neighbouring regions intersecting the Polish and German borderlands.

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