
Department of Finance and Accounting

The Department of Finance and Accounting participates in the teaching and scientific research activities of the Faculty of Economics of TUL. Within the framework of teaching activities, the Department provides teaching in Bachelor´s, Master´s and Doctoral study programmes in the form of compulsory and elective courses.

About the Department

About the Department

Members of the Department of Finance and Accounting are involved in scientific research activities, participate in grant projects and in national and international conferences and exchange internships. They publish in scientific and professional journals, monographs and proceedings.

The department focuses its teaching and research on: banking, business finance and business financial management, business valuation, financial accounting of business entities and auditing on the national and international level, financial accounting in the area of services: financial institutions and the nonprofit sector, international trade law and international logistics, managerial accounting, public finance, selected financial services, tax issues and banking.


The subjects of the Department are taught in Bachelor´s, Master´s and Doctoral studies in full-time and combined form of study and their content corresponds to the professional focus of the Department. The Department provides teaching not only at the Faculty of Economics of TUL, but also at other faculties. In selected subjects, it also provides teaching in English (for foreign students - self-payers and students coming under the Erasmus+ programme).

Under the guidance of our teachers, dozens of Diploma and Bachelor's theses related to the professional focus of the Department are prepared annually. Furthermore, under the expert guidance of professors and associate professors, a number of Doctoral students' dissertations have been successfully defended.

Selected teachers of the Department lecture annually at foreign universities as part of Erasmus+ exchange internships and also participate in the organization of the stay of visiting foreign professors.

The Department of Finance and Accounting, together with the Department of Business Economics and Management, implements teaching and guarantees the specialisation Management of Business Process of the study programme Business Administration of the Master's degree programme.

Achievements of students under the guidance of the KFÚ department

Achievements of students under the guidance of the KFÚ department

In the investment game Studentbroker:

  •     Tomáš BABORÁK - 2nd place in the Equities category (2020)
  •     Zuzana STÁROVÁ - 1st place in the Derivatives category (2020)
  •     Tereza BALVÍNOVÁ - 2nd place in the Derivatives category (2020)
  •     Kateřina ŠILHÁNOVÁ - 3rd place in the Shares category (2018)
  •     Pavel ZADRAŽIL - 2nd place in the Shares category (2017)
  •     Eliška KNÍŽKOVÁ - 1st place in the Derivatives category (2014)
  •     Ondřej ČERNÝ - 2nd place in the Shares category (2014)

In other competitions:

  •     Matúš KUCHÁLIK - 1st place in the Ideal Bank of the 21st Century competition (2010)


The research activities, conducted by the experienced academic staff of the Department,  are becoming an integral part of the staff activities. All members of the Department have more or less been participating in some research activities. The most widespread form of scientific work is participation in the solution of grant tasks, participation in domestic and international scientific conferences, where the own contributions of the members of the Department are presented and the publication of monographs.

The Department of Finance and Accounting actively organises international scientific conferences and participates in other activities focused on the area of accounting and finances. In cooperation with colleagues from the Wrocław Academy of Economics, the Department has been preparing international conferences held annually in Poland and the Czech Republic since 1998.

Academic Staff

Name Position Office Phone E-mail:
Martina Černíková Head of Department, Assistant Professor H08043 +420 48535 2408 martina.cernikova@tul.cz
Helena Jáčová Deputy Head of the Department, Secretary of the Department, Assistant Professor H08040 +420 48535 2380 helena.jacova@tul.cz
Věra Veselá Secretary H08014 +420 48535 2399 vera.vesela1@tul.cz
Zdeněk Brabec Assistant Professor H08037 +420 48535 2473 zdenek.brabec@tul.cz
Šárka Hyblerová Assistant Professor H08043 +420 48535 2481 sarka.hyblerova@tul.cz
Olga Malíková Assistant Professor, Chairwoman of Academic Senate H08037 +420 48535 2366 olga.malikova@tul.cz
Bohumil Poláček Associate Professor H08039 +420 48535 2360 bohumil.polacek@tul.cz
Lenka Strýčková Assistant Professor H08014 +420 48535 2379 lenka.stryckova@tul.cz
Michaela Matoušková Internal Doctoral Student H08039 +420 48535 2369 michaela.matouskova@tul.cz
Pavlína Petrová Internal Doctoral Student H08051 +420 48535 2235 pavlina.petrova@tul.cz
Kryštof Tichý Internal Doctoral Student H08051 +420 48535 2235 krystof.tichy@tul.cz
Eva Vychodilová Internal Doctoral Student H08039 +420 48535 2369 eva.vychodilova@tul.cz
Monika Händelová External Lector H08051 +420 48535 2235 monika.handelova@tul.cz
Jitka Motlová External Lector H08051 +420 48535 2235 jitka.motlova@vgd.eu


Technical University of Liberec
Faculty of Economics

Department of Finance and Accounting
Voroněžská 13
460 01 Liberec 1

phone: +420 485 352 399
e-mail: Vera.Vesela1@tul.cz

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